2014 New York Book Show
From pastry to poetry, 2014 was another stellar year for NMSG at the New York Book Show. NMSG was recognized for outstanding prepress work on eight award-winning books in various categories (see below). Though NMSG is a perennial winner, this is the most awards we have received at the annual show, which was held September 23 in New York City. All of NMSG's winning titles were published by imprints of Penguin Random House companies.
Below are NMSG's 2014 winning entries
Click on any image to enlarge the spread.

The Circle (Alfred A. Knopf), by Dave Eggers, First Place Book, General Trade division, Hardcover Fiction category. A futuristic novel that concerns the issue of privacy in an imagined cyberconnected world very much like our own. The book's design is integral to its theme.
Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish (Doubleday), by David Rakoff, Merit Award Book, General Trade division, Hardcover Fiction category. An expansive, though brief, novel written in clever and engaging rhymed couplets by the author, who died in 2012. The novel was published posthumously.
Night Thoughts (Alfred A. Knopf), by Sara Arvio, First Place Book, General Trade division, Poetry category. An imaginative memoir in the form of very personal poems exploring the dreaming mind and the author's psychoanalysis, with notes and an index of themes and images.
Nothing by Design (Alfred A. Knopf), by Mary Jo Salter, Third Place Book, General Trade division, Poetry category. The title of this collection references this poet's formal approach to her craft as well as the unifying theme of the poems within, which concern the nature of the universe and the way that art comes to grips with it. The book's design reflects the formal elegance and deceptive simplicity of the poet's work.
Lidia's Commonsense Italian Cooking (Alfred A. Knopf), by Lidia Matticchio Bastianich and Tanya Bastianich Manuali, Third Place Book, General Trade division, Cookbook category. The ingredients in this latest offering from Bastianich include mouth-watering photographs and practical supplemental information, presented in appropriately straightforward style.
The Art of French Pastry (Alfred A. Knopf), by lacquy Pfeiffer, Merit Award Book, General Trade division, Cookbook category. This delectable book is as artfully created, lusciously indulgent, and completely satisfying as the pastry it describes.
A Field Guide to American Houses (Alfred A. Knopf), by Virginia Savage McAlester, Third Place Book, Professional division, Reference category. From tepees to "McMansions," this is the comprehensive source for identifying styles of houses and architecture from all periods throughout American history, with a profusion of photographs, illustrations, and charts.
What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know (Bantam Books), by E. D. Hirsch, Jr., and John Holdren, Merit Award, School Publishing division, School Library category. This volume is the first in a series of books for successive grade levels, for which NMSG is doing the production work in conjunction with Bantam editors. Everything you need to know you did NOT learn in kindergarten, but working through the each grade level in this educational and well-designed series will teach you.