2010 New York Book Show
The 24th Annual New York Book show, was recently held on March 9th, 2010, and North Market Street Graphics came away with five, winning titles.

The annual New York Book Show, sponsored by the Book Industry Guild of New York, comprising members from the book publishing and book manufacturing industries, "encourages, recognizes, honors, and celebrates excellence in book production and design." Judges for this prestigious show are selected from among prominent professionals in these industries.
NMSG has been honored for its work on several books in the past decade, and in 2012, the show's twenty-sixth, NMSG president Lisa Andes was selected to serve as a judge.
Below are the 2010 winning entries
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Asterios Polyp, (Pantheon), by David Mazzucchelli. First Place and Best in Category, Special Trade, Graphic—Adult. NMSG was recognized for composition.

C.P. Cavafy: Collected Poems, (Knopf), by Daniel Mendelsohn. First Place, Special Trade—Poetry. NMSG was recognized for composition.

In Lincoln's Hand, (Bantam) edited by Harold Holzer and Joshua Wolf Shenk. Merit Award, Special Trade—General. NMSG was recognized for composition and text separation.

The Original Laura, (Knopf) by Vladimir Nabokov. Merit Award, General Trade—Hardcover Fiction. NMSG was recognized for composition.

Sara Snow's Fresh Living, (Bantam) by Sara Snow. Merit Award, General Trade—Quality Paperback. NMSG was recognized for composition and text separation.